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A canoe at the Padua Rowing Club

For once, we are not talking about medical device certification or scientific communication. Instead, we are talking about sport, the local area, and the future.

We are kept company during our walks along the embankments by the young people who are exercising, a constant presence in the city and suburban landscape.

Yet, despite being a sport where spacing is the normal condition, over the past twelve months we have noticed, coinciding with lock-down periods, the absence of these colourful presences.

Sports is one of the sectors that has suffered and still suffers most from the consequences of the pandemic. With this simple gesture, little more than symbolic, Clariscience supports the work and commitment of the Padua Rowing Club, which, with great sacrifice, is trying to guarantee a space for (not just competitive) for the boys of our city.

The handover ceremony (a real launch!) took place in the presence of the Padua Rowing Club managers, coach Luca Benetazzo and a small representation of young athletes.

A small gesture of social responsibility, encouragement and hope.

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11-14 NOVEMBER 2024

Düsseldorf Germany

HALL 13 | B77


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