Become one of our referees!

If you work in the life science sector, there is a new opportunity waiting for you. By participating in the Clariscience Referral Programme you can economically capitalise on your expertise and your network of contacts. Find out more by reading the program details and, if you wish, by applying using the form at the bottom of this page.

It is aimed at anyone working in the life science sector who can get in touch with our potential customers, mainly:

  • Manufacturers, distributors, agents, importers of medical devices and IVDs
  • Medical device and IVD manufacturing subcontractors
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Manufacturers of food supplements/cosmetics
  • Test centres
  • Clinical research centres

and who, as a result, may be able to point us towards a possible need.

It simply consists of reciprocally putting the potential customer in contact with Clariscience – e.g. by forwarding each other’s telephone numbers, or e-mail addresses, specifying: to Clariscience what the potential customer’s needs might be, and to the potential customer who will be contacted by Clariscience. It will not be necessary to do anything else.

If, as a result of the referral, Clariscience provides services to the customer, the ambassador will be paid a fee calculated as a percentage of the value of the deal concluded and of any subsequent deals concluded with the acquired customer for a given period of time.

No, you will only receive the fees listed in the previous point.

Yes, Clariscience enters into a specific reporting contract with each ambassador.

No, no continuous activities are required and no targets are set. Whether or not to report a customer is at the complete discretion of the ambassador.

No, you are not required to devote a minimum amount of time to this activity – if you decide to do it, it is at your own discretion.

Each person wishing to carry out this activity must independently ensure that it does not create legally punishable or ethically unsound conditions. Clariscience does not intend to favour in any way unclear or questionable relationships and conditions.

Clariscience is bound to confidentiality, leaving it to the ambassador’s discretion whether or not to disclose the existence of the report.

Contact us in any case, we will only agree to the one report.

Please fill in the form including a short text telling us why you think your profile is in line with the program’s aims. On this basis, we will select candidates with whom we will organise a virtual meeting where we will discuss the details of the opportunity.

Fill in the form and send your application

Candidates will be contacted at the discretion of Clariscience

The information mutually shared between the candidate and Clariscience S.r.l. by sending this form and during any interviews will remain confidential and will not be subject to any use other than the purpose for which it was given.

Desideri avere maggiori informazioni sui nostri servizi?

Grazie di aver completato la richiesta!

Il nostro team valuterà al più presto la tua candidatura e provvederà a ricontattarti.

Grazie di aver completato la richiesta!

Ti abbiamo inviato una e-mail contenente il link per scaricare la guida.

Se non dovessi ricevere l’e-mail entro pochi secondi, ti consigliamo di controllare la casella della posta indesiderata.

Grazie per il tuo interesse

Abbiamo preso in carico la tua richiesta e un nostro esperto ti contatterà a breve.


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Learn about the values that underpin our company, the ecosystem within which the people who work with us operate, the approach we take to customer relations, and the charity initiatives we have selected and supported over the years.

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Find out about any vacancies, send your spontaneous application and find out about the job profiles of those who already work with us.

Referral program

If you work in the life science sector, there is a new opportunity waiting for you. By participating in the Clariscience Referral Programme you can economically capitalise on your expertise and your network of contacts.

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